Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research
I liked how personal the opening of this film was. The camera angles, lighting, and introductory music made this contemporary film more relatable to a younger audience. However, the story line was not very evident or clear to me as a viewer. However, the shots were well used especially the last up-close shot to create suspense.
Dear Lover:
The Dear Lover intro followed its theme very well regarding its setting, mood, and message. I personally would not include the interview-like aspect because it simply takes away from the storyline. Although it was a good movie opener, there is not much content me and my group can pull from this opener alone.
Dare To Thrill:
I really liked the camera work and the use of music that the opening used. The shots of the car and the chaotic energy that was displayed by this opener successfully pulled me into the story. In addition, the suspense at the end of the story where an unclear plot twist takes place substantiates the anticipation from the viewer which is a good tool that my group could use in our opener.
Always Watching:
I really appreciated the use of leitmotif and parallelism in this opener that my group will definitely pull from, especially since our genre is horror. The music was ominous and really well portrayed the sense of obsession that the main character was feeling. In addition to this, the camera shots, such as the close-up and over-the-shoulder shot contributed to the unnerving feeling that was portrayed which my group will definitely utilize.
The Blue Boar:
I liked the originality of the musical feel that this opener had, though my group won't be taking that route. The ending was very interesting, though. The symbolism and parallelism between the sticks and leaves into what appears to be the "blue boar" may be something that my group considers to add into our intro.
White Coat:
I really appreciated the music that contributed to the immense feeling of anxiety and uncomfortability that was being portrayed to the viewer. Furthermore, I believe my group will also take the use of close-up shots and live credits during the intro of our movie opener similar to how "White Coat" did in theirs.
The setting of this movie will be very similar to my group's considering it is in a house and it includes a stalker as well. This opener is very similar to that of Psychos in a way, especially with the music's accompaniment. However, there was very little development or anticipation created making this opener weak. This means my group has to take time really creating substantial anticipation.
I really liked the ability for this filmer to create an artistic and unique character development symbolically through the art. However, it did fail to draw me into a story so my group will likely not use this opener as a sense of guidance.
Overall, a lot of these openers gave me ideas on what shots, camera angles, dialog, and music I will want to use in my opener. In addition to that, I know see the legitimacy and importance of creating a good attraction to a story line to grab the viewer's attention.
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