Film Opening Research #2 - Movie Title
Opening to Joker
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
There are only a few titles during the opening of the film. They emulate older films with the "old-timey" music to accommodate it. The ending of the title sequence ends with a giant "Joker" text that flashes onto and covers the entire screen.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The images prioritized in the opening sequence are his makeup, and his tears that fall from his painfully forced smile.
What connotations do the images carry?
The connotations that are carried with these images are that even beneath a smile, we find that this character is severally despaired and certainly tragic, to the point where the smile is off-putting and very disturbing.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The genre is reinforced by the symbolic frown of a clown. This symbol is typically used to describe a masked sadness that certainly sets this movie up from the outset.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film's outset establishes the enigma of this character by creating a contrast. By its nature, a clown should be happy and joyful. In fact, that is a clowns only stipulation emotionally. However, we see that Arthur is severally depressed and has to physically force a smile on his face painfully with his fingers. This creates intrigue from the viewer.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The target audience are DC Comic book fans and the traumatizing clown at the beginning of the film ensures appeal that the movie holds great tragedy for one of the world's most intriguing and infamous villains, the Joker.
How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.
The establishing shot and over-the-shoulder-shot effectively captivates the audience in an intimate setting. The Joker is an intimidating and creepy character by nature. So, the fact that we get intimately close with him at the very beginning of the film very effectively captivates a captive audience.
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